iseng2 karena saking ga da kerjaanyee,,,saia ingin COMPARE result QUIZ dari FESBUK sama RERE..
maklum BOSAN dirumah..hehehehe..
what type of shoe defines you?
You are defined by Ballet Slippers
You are elegant and demur. You have a classic style all your own that others often imitate, but never duplicate. You are genuine and one a kind.
the ultimate bitch test
Lil Angel
You NEVER have a bad word to say about anyone, even if they've screwed you over. This can be REALLY bad though because people tend to take advanatge of your kind nature. Toughen up and let people know you're not a pushover!!
chav, popular, nerd, goth, emo or rocker?
your a popular, can be nice when you want to, or are nice most of the time, loads of friends, makeup and shoes
which action heroes are you?
Leonardo (TMNT)
You are a great leader. Your family and friends annoy you sometimes but when you are away from them you really miss them. You know when enough is enough. You are honerable and kind and always listen to your teacher.
which sexy lady are you?
dengan cara apa lo bunuh diri?
Menembak kepala dengan senjata
kamu pas untuk menembak diri sendiri..
sedangkal apakah kamu?
Dangkal Kronis
Bahaya... kedangkalan anda sudah mencapai puncak batas... anda harus segera mengasingkan diri agar tidak menular dan menjadi wabah kedangkalan seperti orang ini. just 4 laugh cuy
which type of woman are you?
Lovely Lady
You are lovely and caring. You help others and spread out a lot of sympathy. Your life aim maybe is to serve the people. But your weakness is that you forget about yourself, your own needs. All your time is hold back for your friends and family. You are always there for people in trouble. Ready for any emergency. You make a lot of sacrifices just to be a good human. But every woman has her needs, her longings and a destiny. Don't loose yourself in work or curing other people's souls. You will have your own problems in your life. Another problem is that you don't say your opinion when it's right and important to say it. People trample onto your soul if you are always so kind and lovely and helpful. They will play on you. Though you should try to relax more and enjoy your life, you should not loose the gift that was given to you to help others . Not everyone is created this way... You are uniqe and rare!
alay kah kamu ?
bukan alay
kamu bukan alay, malah cenderung keren :)
Apakah mental kamu sehat?
Mental kamu baik...
Which of the 7 Deadly Sins Are You?
You are the sin of gluttony. Gluttony is the an unreasonable desire to constantly eat more and more than your body needs. Food is usually your answer to problems and relaxation.
seberapa NORAK kah dirimu ?
MODIS ! ^_^
asik ! gini dong ! dengan kayak gini temen" jadi betah mh kamu . mereka gk bakal malu lagi klo ngajak lo jalan ! siip !
What Job Are You Born For?
seberapa jahat kah kau?
Kau sama sekali tidak bisa dikatakan orang jahat. Selamat! Anda disenangi masyarakat dan orang2 sekitar anda. Sangat jarang ada orang seperti anda..
how matre are you?
gak matre kok
ga matre kok.. bagus..bagus... berarti you melihat orang secara subjektif..dalam arti ga hanya melihatnya dari segi finansial doank..tapi juga tingkah laku dan cara verpikir orang tersebut.
seberapa besar hoki lu????
hoki abieeeessssss!!!!!
lu termasuk kategori orang orang yang hoki abis!!!..bagus banget, ga perlu bersusah payah ngerjain sesuatu karena lu dah banyak dibantu dari hoki lu cukup dengan stay cool calm, n confident lu bisa ngedapetin apa yg lu inginkan
how old are you on the inside?
Well balanced 25, well you should be what a great age to be, careful though, before you know it you will be old and 30!
What Gossip Girl Female Character are You?
Jenny Humphrey
Ah, the sweetest and the most innocent. But not that innocet. You try to be sneaky, but your parents caught you most of the time. You try to be one of the clique but it's just difficult.
are you a troublemaker???
You are not that much of a troublemaker but you are a troublemaker!
You love to troublemake and you hate to troublemake! You are inbeetween
are you spoiled brat?
Yes you are!!!
You are really spoiled like a little brat!!!!!!!!!
are you a nerd?
You can pass as someone that's just quite and cool. Yet you know that when you get home there's a book waiting for you on your bed. You're a little clumsy but you hide it by laughing at yourself.
which type of bra are you?
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